*TXMAIL Authorizations
*TXMAIL is a mainframe mail client. E-mail lists in this system should be removed and transferred to UT Lists at your first convenience. To find out more about the lists below, use LIST command in *TXMAIL on the mainframe. You can access this page from the Employee Authorizations section.
The screen below lists the employee's Role for various Mail List applications.
- The column titled Mail List refers to e-mail addresses that are grouped together to simplify the process of contacting multiple recipients.
- The Role column describes a particular user’s function, Updater or Owner, in relation to the mail list.
- If the user has a large number of authorizations, a Continue button (
) may appear at the bottom of the screen. Click the button to view additional entries.
- Use the right-hand scroll bar to view additional entries and the up/down arrows
to reverse the order of displayed data.
- To remove a role, click the Request Removal link; notifications will immediately be sent to all owners of the related role, informing them of the action.
NOTE: Be absolutely certain that you wish to remove the role before clicking the link.
Return to the Employee Authorizations Help section.